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Help stop the City Hall power grab!


The Market Historical Commission needs your support. We ask that you check in to its meeting on Wednesday September 14 from 4 to 6pm to show support for the Market. Just by logging on and joining the meeting, you'll help send the message that the Market community is watching and is wary of Covid era rules being extended to strip us of our autonomy. Here's how to log in:

Link to access meeting via video:

To access by phone:

Call 206-207-1700, enter meeting ID number: 2492 610 5918

The Market Historical Commission is a 12-member volunteer commission. It represents you in decisions protecting preservation of the historic character of the Market. A recent letter from the Market Historical Commission is attached. In 1907 Thomas Revelle said it is "for you to uphold the market and make sure that those who occupy it treat you fairly." Here’s your chance!


Committee on Market Historical Commission Affairs

Pike Place Market Constituency



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