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Election Committee's Audit Report ready for review


The Constituency membership voted at a special General Assembly meeting on July 19, 2021, to hold an audit of the organization's election process. The auditors dissected and investigated our election procedures and the way we compile our membership list. The auditors' report is attached here. We urge members to look at the report and join us at the February 15 General Assembly meeting to discuss the audit committee's suggestions.

The Feb. 15 General Assembly meeting will be held via Zoom <>. If you can't make it but would like to comment on the audit report, feel free to send us an email at

The Election Audit Report is attached here in pdf form. We look forward to a robust discussion so that our 2022 elections are as smooth and fair as possible.



Feb 07, 2022

14 Points of Concern Not Addressed in the Elections Audit Report

In the face of the following information, a reasonable person might find it difficult to see the 2021 Election Audit Committee Report as anything but white-wash and this audit and election as a demonstration of bad faith by corporate officials and staff, which is prohibited under SMC 3.110.560.

The 14 points that follow are chronological order as they appear in the report, but the most damning evidence is provided in the last point and the paragraphs that follow.

Please review these 14 points as a companion to your review of the Elections Audit Committee Report before you make up your mind about next steps. And please don’t let these…


Feb 07, 2022

Here's an email I sent to members of the Election Audit Committee in advance of completing their final report. It raises important concerns. They had this information but chose not to address it in the report.

From: Ruth Danner <> Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 10:39 PM Subject: Re: Public Document Request 10.5.21 To: Colleen Bowman <>, Nick Setten <>, Haley Land <>, Bruce <>, <>, spike knox <> Cc: Mary Bacarella <>, Karin Moughamer <>

Colleen and all,

I thought you would be interested to see the following analysis and attached spreadsheet, since you authored the request for the Special Meeting on July 19th for the purpose of delaying the election in the name of being certain that…


Feb 07, 2022

The "Official" Election Audit Report fails to examine critical questions, and its authors failed to check their biases at the door. According to the report's conclusion:

"The Audit Committee unanimously agreed the election was run faithfully and according to plan. The Audit Committee determined that no problems occurred that would negate the results of the election. There was a fair process for ballot access and voting, and a fair count of eligible votes, and we affirm the validity of the results of the 2021 Constituency Election."

I strongly disagree with both the conclusions and the tone of the report which seems bent on defaming certain Constituency members while completely disregarding acts by others, particularly current and former PDA corporate officials…

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