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Constituency Elections - Every Vote Counts!




Tuesday July 16 6:15 - 8:15 p.m. General Assembly (93 Pike St. #317) 

Friday July 19 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. @ public seating area, Flower Row

Or: vote online


Open positions: Chair, Vice Chair, PDA Council Representative and two (2) At-Large








Bob Braun   




Vice Chair 


Jonathan Berner




Officer-at-Large​ (two open positions)​



Zekaryas Gebrekidan 



Gordie McIntyre 



Emily Pike   



​​Charlotte Quinn  



Marley Rall



​Davin Stedman  â€‹



​Babak Ziraknejad 




PDA Council Representative 


Christine Vaughan 





With a new Executive Director and implementation of the Master Plan, it’s more important than ever to become an active member of the Constituency.




1) Let the Nominating Committee know by June 27 that you are interested by sending an email to


Submit a petition signed by 20 members by July 9 to the Nominating Committee


Be nominated at a Constituency meeting


Be a write-in candidate


2) Complete a questionnaire related to your interest in serving on the Constituency, your attendance the past year (not required for At-Large positions) and your thoughts on some specific current Market issues. Questionnaire will be available June 28 and must be returned by July 8.





Chair - the Chair holds the leadership role of the Constituency Executive Committee and conducts meetings of both the General Membership and the Executive Committee. Qualifications: Candidates are required to have become a member of the Constituency on or before July 16, 2023 (365 days prior to this the close of this year’s nomination period) to be eligible to stand for election to the position. Nominations committee will confirm eligibility. This position is open on even years only. 


Vice-Chair - the Vice-Chair is responsible for conducting both the General Membership and Executive Committee meetings in absence of or at the request of the Chair. Qualifications: Candidates are required to have become a member of the Constituency on or before July 16, 2023 (365 days prior to the close of this year’s nomination period) to be eligible to stand for election to the position. Nominations committee will confirm eligibility. This position is open on even years only. 


Officers-at-Large – Officers-at-Large represent the overall voice of the Constituents and requires familiarization with various aspects of the Market including but not limited to its businesses, residents, vendors, employees, and patrons. Two positions are open every year. Qualifications: Membership in the Constituency.


PDA Council Representative- PDA Council Representatives represent the Constituency as members of the PDA Council and its Committees. Attendance requirements for both PDA and Constituency Committee and General meetings represent a significant time commitment. Qualifications: Candidates are required to have become a member of the Constituency on or before July 16, 2023 (365 days prior to the close of this year’s nomination period) to be eligible to stand for election to the position. Nominations committee will confirm eligibility. One position is open every year. 





The annual Constituency election is held every year in July at the Market and also online. On election day, all Constituency members must show a government-issued photo I.D.  The Constituency Bylaws require membership in our organization for 30 days to be eligible to vote in Constituency elections and for an entire year to be eligible to stand for election to the positions of Constituency Chair, Vice-Chair and PDA Council Representative.




Section 1.
Election of Constituency officers shall be held annually at the July General Membership Meeting of the Constituency. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected in even-numbered years. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years. Two Officers-at-large shall be elected each year, in accordance with Article IV Section 9. 


Section 2.
One Constituency Representative to the PDA Council shall be elected annually at the July General Membership Meeting of the Constituency, or per the PDA Rules and Regulations.


Section 3.
In addition to the nominees from the Nominating Committee, candidates may be nominated by petition submitted to the Nominating Committee, may be nominated from the floor, and write-in candidates will be allowed.


Section 4.
The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be as follows:
a.     To consider the needs of the Market community as a whole in seeking candidates.
b.    To prepare a candidates packet which shall include appropriate references to the candidates’ responsibilities to the Constituency as well as the major concerns of the Market community.
c.    To report nominations to the general membership.


Section 5.  Nomination by petition
To be nominated by petition, potential candidates must
present to the Nominating Committee, at least seven days in advance of the election, a petition in support of their nomination signed by at least twenty members in good standing of the Constituency.  The Election Officer, as defined in Section 6, will determine the validity of the names on the petition, and in advance of the election meeting, shall notify the potential candidates if they are eligible and will have their names on the ballot.


Section 6.  Election administration
Responsibility for conducting elections and monitoring Constituency membership records shall rest with an Election Officer consisting of the Vice-Chair in odd-numbered years and the Secretary-Treasurer in even-number years, together with one or more other Constituency members chosen by that officer with the concurrence of the Executive Committee.  All methods of voting shall be permitted consistent with the PDA Charter, the PDA Rules and Regulations, and Constituency election procedures adopted by the general membership.


Section 7.  Election procedures
The Election Officer responsible for conducting an election shall present election procedures for approval by the Constituency membership at a General Membership Meeting, prior to the election meeting. The election procedures shall include but not be limited to the following:
a.    Provision of an accurate membership roster.
b.    Validation of signatures on petitions from candidates wishing to be nominated by petition.
c.    Guidelines for electioneering practices.
d.    The type of disclosure information, as defined by law, required of the candidates.
e.    Methods of voting in any given election.
f.     Provision to the membership of clear election instructions.
g.     Selection of an election monitor responsible for the vote count.


Section 8. 
An election shall be deemed complete upon completion of the vote count, the results of which shall be reported by the Election Officer.  Electees shall take office upon completion of the election.  Constituency PDA Representatives shall take office subject to PDA and City of Seattle procedures.


Section 9.
The role of the PDA in Constituency elections:
a.    No officer, official, employee or volunteer of the PDA may use, or authorize the use of any facilities of the PDA, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of assisting a campaign for election or appointment of any person to the Constituency or the PDA Council. Facilities of the PDA include, but are not limited to, the use of supplies, postage and equipment, the use of employees of the PDA during working hours, and the use of vehicles and office space.
b.    Publications of the PDA, clientele and/or organizations served by the PDA, shall be available equally, at cost, to all candidates. The officers, officials, employees, and volunteers of the PDA may respond to requests from the candidates for information relevant to the election process.
c.    Officers, officials, employees, and volunteers of the PDA shall conduct themselves during the election campaigns in accordance with Section 3.110.560 (“Prohibited Conduct”) of the Municipal Code of the City of Seattle Public Corporations Ordinance, specifically, “no current corporate official or employee shall…engage in any transaction or activity which is, or would to a reasonable person appear to be, in conflict with or incompatible with the proper discharge of official duties…etc.”
d.    No provision of this section shall be interpreted to restrict, proscribe, or preclude the free expression of opinion by any officer, official, employee or volunteer of the PDA, regarding any Constituency election.





Support the Market by Voting in Our Elections!

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